Saturday, March 1, 2008

Guide to Using Check Disk in Vista

Anytime somebody has hard drive errors, I always recommend that they run chkdsk… what geek wouldn't? When realized that there's no guide to using check disk, he decided to write one. I thought it was worth sharing, since no small business or entrepreneur can afford to have computer problems stop them. Here's his tutorial in full.

The chkdsk or "Check Disk" utility is used in Windows to scan through your entire hard drive and find problems… it's a lot like doing inventory… it's boring, but it has to be done sometimes. I recommend that you run through a check disk every month or two.

Using CheckDisk the GUI Way
Open up Computer and then right-click on the drive you want to check, and choose Properties.

Then select the Tools tab, and click the "Check Now" button.

A little dialog will pop up to allow you to choose the options you want for the disk check. You should check both options if you want to really check the disk properly, but if you just want to do a quick check you could select only the first one.

The only problem with that is that Windows can't check a drive that's being used, such as the system drive, but Windows will let you schedule a disk check for the next reboot.

You should keep in mind that running through a full check disk takes quite a while, sometimes hours depending on how big the drive is and how many files you have.

Pat Zappavigna is the owner of Instant Office Assistant, an administrative support services company. You can contact Pat at or through the website. Instant Office Assistant

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